He knows - Just leave it to him

Before I say who is this "HE" that I am talking about, I have a little story for you. Well, its not a story lets say its an imaginary situation in your life.

Lets say your best friend is having some problem or needs help. So he/she goes to a bunch of common friends of yours seeking help. Let say your best friend needs some 100 bucks and all your other friends talk about it when you are around. Finally your friend doesn't get money from any of her friends and comes to you for help. You knew your best friend needs some money and he/she doesn't comes to you first. How does it feel?

The same logic apply when we deal with "him". Thats right, I am talking about the supreme power who drives this world - people call him GOD (People who don't believe in god, I am sorry you are wasting your time by reading the rest).  He knows whats going on in your life, actually most people say he decides what has to happen in your life. But all we do is, when we get a problem or need any help, first thing that comes on our mind is "you know what I can solve it" or "I know someone who can help me on this" … . I seriously appreciate that positive attitude.. Everyone should have a positive feeling towards solving any problem they face.

But, sometimes or I say most of the times we fail. It could be completely or partly. Some cases we successfully solve them. Leave the success stories, it just make you a more confident person with a little head weight added with it. Whereas when we feel that we can't solve it, we end up going to "him" i.e. GOD. Will say these beautiful and impressive words (I did it lots of time). "I tried my best to solve it, Looks like I can't. Dear god please help me in getting over this".  So we try our best to solve something and finally we go to him for the help. Surprisingly he knows whats going on in our life. Now God is in your position and you are in your best friend's position. Its an different story here because no matter what you do, he always help you. It would be by solving your little problem or by teaching you a lesson about the mistakes you did.

You have seen Doctors saying (at least in movies) the truth about him more often than anyone in this world.

"You know what, We have done all the things that we could do. Now its in his hand. Trust him, he will help you".

Anyway, from now on lets have a new positive attitude in our life. Before we start our new day ( every day has a new problem) lets think this way.

I have a problem, I will try to solve it. I trust you, so its your duty to help me in solving it. 

You are with me? I am following this new thing quite sometime and it feels great!. You are just taking the pressure off your mind and putting on him. Trust me, it feels good.


Dr. Sheldon Cooper

I sure most of us heard of Dr. Sheldon Lee Cooper [B.S, M.S, M.A, Ph.D, Sc.D]. He is awesome,  geek, hilarious and what not. For those who don't know Dr.Sheldon, he is an character in Big Bang Theory a tv series which gets telecasted in CBS(USA) and Zee Cafe (India) . I am watching this series from its season one. When I started watching the first episode of season one, I didn't understand a word they were saying. Now season 5 is running and I am pretty good in following them. 

The best part of this series is how they present a set of geeks in a funny way. Every character is amazing and Dr.Sheldon Cooper is the best. Here are few awesome dialog from him which I like;

  • He goes to Penny (neighbor) house and knocks the door .. "Penny.. Penny… Penny… " :) :)

  • Whenever he crack any jokes he says this word "Bazzinga".. I love the way he says it

We love you Sheldon.. You are the best!!

Relationship - You need it

Hello everyone,

Its been a while i wrote something on the web the reason is I am a lazy ass.. So thought why can't I write something today and here i am writing about a relationship (from my experiences).. Before I start anything, I just to let you know that my GMAT exam went well (Not so well as expected) but a good score (not sufficient). I am planning to retake it. I tell you that start later.

Anyways, whenever anyone want to discuss or talk about relationship they always start with problems in relationship and without their knowledge they end-up saying good things about it. Perhaps its the truth. Well, I am not making any point or its an expert opinion but I do have some experience in it and i am sharing them.

If a stranger talk to me in some party or in some marriage and start conversing (if he/she doesn't start one, I will) and later in the conversation if he/she ask  "do you have a girl friend?". I say I do with a big smile on my face,  because it feels great. But when you talk to your best friend about your girl friend, you go like "Dude another fight today..".

Every relationship has a tons of joy, happiness and fights. But all we remember is our fights not the joy or happy moments. Thats because when fight starts, it mostly ends in ego clash or "I am right and you are wrong".  I tell you, after the fight is over & all that anger comes down, you do remember the good times.. It could be coffee you had together that morning or a nice conversation that you had over the phone. That time it hits your mind and suddenly you pick up your phone and start texting "Sorry! I was wrong" and you get the same form other end too.

I hope i am not giving any lecture here; whatever i go on.. After some years in relationship your way of pursuing things are completely different. Your career, your life style,  friends of yours and more. You do give more importance to them and you expect your gal/guy to do the same or at least supportive.

If I talk about me, these days i kind of planning my higher studies and i am loving how my girl friend supporting me. We had good talks and future plans. Seriously i was worried so much when i thought about studies, commitments but after a good long talk with her i am feeling so relived.

"Relationship is a responsibility but you have other one to share it " 

So all i am saying is you can't know about relationship until you will be in one. Its not a class someone teach you its an on job training :)

I started awful and i am doing better now and I know i will be awesome sooner or later.

I guess that it. I put my thoughts here. What d you think? Let me know by leaving comments.

Take care!


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